
Choice of Subjects

ECD and Grade 1 to Grade 3

Foundation Phase learning areas

The learners are being prepared to have knowledge and understanding of Life in the context of:

  • physical, social, personal, emotional and cognitive development;
  • creative and aesthetic skills and knowledge through engaging in dance, music, drama and visual art activities;
  • knowledge of personal health and safety;
  • understanding of the relationship between people and the environment;
  • awareness of social relationships, technological processes and elementary science.

Early Learning Development

There are important skills that very young learners, Grade R, need to master and understand before they go to Grade 1. Our young learners are placed in an environment that is safe, clean and caring, with adequate opportunities to play and explore the world under the careful guidance of their teacher. They are being taken through routine activities, free play activities indoors and outdoors, and also structured activities among others.

Beginning Knowledge

Beginning Knowledge have been drawn from Social Sciences (History and Geography); Natural Sciences and Technology.

  • Social science concepts: conservation, cause and effect, place, adaptation, relationships and interdependence, diversity and individuality, and change.
  • Natural Science concepts: life and living, energy and change, matter and materials; planet earth and beyond.
  • Scientific process skills: the process of enquiry which involves observing, comparing, classifying, measuring, experimenting, and communicating.
  • Technological process skills: investigate, design, make, evaluate, communicate.

Creative Arts

Learners are being developed as creative, imaginative individuals, with an appreciation of the arts. Foundation Phase learners are inherently creative and play is their natural way of learning in the arts, i.e. dance, drama, music and the visual arts. They develop their creative ideas based on their personal experiences, using their senses, emotions and observations. The introduction of these creative skills is essential in refining and controlling the gross and fine motor skills.

Personal and Social Well-being:

Young learners how to look after themselves and keep themselves healthy. Learning areas include social health, emotional health, and relationships with other people and our environment, including values and attitudes. Learners will develop the skills to relate positively and make a contribution to family, community and society, while practicing the values embedded in the Constitution.

Physical Education

Physical and motor development is integral to the holistic development of learners. It makes a significant contribution to learners’ social, personal and emotional development. Play, movement, games and sport contribute to developing positive attitudes and values. The focus in the Foundation Phase is on games and some activities that will form the basis of participating in sports later on. Physical growth, development, recreation and play are emphasized.

Benefits of Mathematics

It helps to develop mental processes that enhance logical and critical thinking, accuracy and problem-solving that will contribute to decision-making. Mathematics help learners develop essential mathematical skills such as:

• develop the correct use of the language of Mathematics;

• develop number vocabulary, number concept and calculation and application skills;

• learn to listen, communicate, think, reason logically and apply the mathematical knowledge gained;

• learn to investigate, analyse, represent and interpret information;

• learn to pose and solve problems; and

• build an awareness of the important role that Mathematics plays in real-life situations, including the personal development of the learner.

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